Welcome to the SLCP Signatory Newsflash!
GFA Collaboration Agreement
The Global Fashion Agenda (GFA) and the Social & Labor Convergence Program (SLCP) are pleased to announce the renewal of their Impact Partnership.
For the fourth consecutive year, SLCP continues to collaborate with GFA as an Impact Partner on the topic of “Respectful and Secure Work Environments.” Together, SLCP and GFA are leveraging their collective power to issue a call to action for further and faster industry alignment and convergence, reducing audit fatigue and shifting resources towards improvements based on credible data.
Photo: Janet Mensink, CEO of SLCP, and Holly Syrett, VP of Impact Programmes & Sustainability at GFA, at the Global Fashion Summit in Copenhagen in May 2024.
Data Collection Tool Translation
We are excited to announce that SLCP’s Data Collection Tool will soon be available in three new languages: Vietnamese, Turkish, and Latin American Spanish! The translations will make the assessment process more accessible and efficient for facilities.
We will begin by testing the Vietnamese translation shortly. Our aim is to have the Vietnamese translation ready in CAF Version 1.6 this year, and the Turkish and Latin American Spanish translations will follow with Version 1.7. We will keep you updated as each translation is launched.
A big thank you to everyone involved and to the Verifier Bodies for their incredible support in making this happen: Greenpont; Intertek; Openview; SGS; TUV; GSCS Intl / Bd; IC-Group.
New! SLCP in the electronics sector
SLCP is expanding into new sectors and is looking for nominations for electrical component or electronics accessory facilities to participate in our first SLCP social and labor assessment in the electronics sector. Your facility will benefit from subsidized costs, end-to-end assistance and customized support to complete their assessment.
Manufacturers producing items such as lighting, electronic toys, e-bike components, electronic devices and electronics accessories (e.g., laptop bags, mobile phone cases etc.) are all considered in scope; however, this list is not exhaustive. Any facility linked with the production of electronic items will be considered.
Find out more here!
If you are a brand or a facility interested in participating in this limited time offer, please contact lottie@slconvergence.org.
Facility Training Recordings
 Over the past few months, SLCP conducted a series of in-person and virtual trainings for facilities in Turkish, Chinese, Spanish, Bangla, Vietnamese, and English. We are thrilled to share that over 2,500 attendees from 43 countries joined us across 16 events
Did you miss the training webinars or would like to review them? You can find the recordings and slide decks on our Helpdesk.
We would like to thank everyone who participated and extend a special thanks to the guest speakers from brands, manufacturers, strategic partners, industry associations and our Training Bodies for all their support throughout the events.
SLCP Policy Update
Find out more about SLCP's policy work, including our main priorities and upcoming events. You can read previous newsletters in our Signatory Portal.
Subscribe here!
Cascale Manufacturer Forum: Shangai
Last week, SLCP’s China representative, Jessica Jia, attended the Cascale Manufacturer Forum in Shanghai. She shared data and insights on SLCP’s regional adoption, provided updates on the latest version of the Converged Assessment Framework (CAF), and presented on the Worker Engagement Technology (WE Tech).
The European Sustainable Industry Summit 2024
Our Senior Policy and Stakeholder Engagement Manager, Tom Mason, presented at the event hosted by CSR on how SLCP enables companies to collaborate and collect social and labor data. He also emphasized the growing need for such collaboration in light of new regulations, highlighting policy as a key driver.
Important Update: Phase 2 of SLCP Full Alignment with APSCA
We are pleased to share that we have successfully reached the first milestone of our APSCA full alignment journey. We are grateful for your support, as 84% of the 73 SLCP-approved Verifier Bodies (VBs) met our APSCA requirements by the deadline of 30 June 2024. This achievement reflects our collective commitment to upholding high standards and continuous improvement.
On 1 July we deactivated all VBs that did not apply to APSCA and pay the related application fees in time. We also deactivated all Verifiers who are associated with APSCA Provisional or Full Member firms but do not themselves have ASCA/CSCA status.
Verifiers without ASCA/CSCA status who are associated with VBs in the transition process (APSCA applicant members) can continue to perform SLCP verifications, until the associated VB becomes an APSCA Provisional Member.
We are excited to share the next steps in the alignment process. We have released a Technical Bulletin with all the details relevant for Verifier Bodies (VBs) and Verifiers on phase two of the APSCA full alignment, starting 1 July 2024.
To learn more about how SLCP is driving greater data quality and integrity, download our info pack here!
Welcome to the new SLCP Signatories!
The Policy Hub
The Policy Hub is an initiative aimed at driving policy changes to support sustainable practices within the apparel and footwear industry. It collaborates with stakeholders to advocate for regulations that promote environmental and social responsibility across the supply chain.
Greenleaf Assurance
Greenleaf Assurance is a company dedicated to providing comprehensive services tailored to the needs of the ATIC industries and Supply Chain Management sectors. They specialize in offering a wide range of services that support the efficiency, innovation, and growth of businesses within these industries.
SLCP's Acceptance List
We would like to welcome two new brands to our Acceptance List:

Want to communicate with suppliers that you accept SLCP data?
Use this flyer to let your suppliers know!
For practical information on using the SLCP Converged Assessment Framework (CAF), please go to the SLCP Gateway.
Set up an account on the Signatory Portal - an exclusive platform for SLCP signatories!