Why choose SLCP?

Learn about the benefits of choosing SLCP as your social assessment tool and find out how we can improve your social compliance.


  • Reduces audit duplication  

  • Frees up time, moneyand resources for stakeholders to reinvest into improving working conditions in facilities  

  • Streamlines the collection and sharing of social and labor data 

  • Free training for facilities available to ensure efficient onboarding process 

  • Enables quicker onboarding between Brands and facilities 


  • Same assessment methodology for all facilities 

  • Approved third-party verifiers check the accuracy of self-assessment data 

  • Extensive verification oversight and quality assurance strategy 

  • Data quality and integrity measures in place 


  • Fosters a mutual partnership and shared commitment from all parties to improve labor conditions 

  • Encourages transparency and promotes honest data collection 

  • Empowers facilities to play an active role in the SLCP process, own their assessment data and improve working conditions 

  • Facilities choose who they share their data with 

  • Involving workers through the assessment process is encouraged 

  • Improves the dialogue between suppliers and buyers

  • Facilities benefit from continuous improvement rather than short-term compliance fixes, resulting in more resilient supply chains 


  • Holistic and widely applicable framework 

  • Aligned with OECD guidelines 

  • Provides a foundational data set that can be used to determine compliance with international labor standards and national labor laws  

  • Applicable to a range of industry sectors 

  • Supports human rights due diligence  

  • Used to identify risks and support legislative requirements 


  • Infinite number of users can access and analyze facility assessment data 

  • One assessment can be shared multiple times, instead of duplicate audits being conducted 

  • Data can be utilized flexibly with a variety of existing scoring systems and standards to meet specific requirements 

  • External service providers available who can support you in interpreting the data