Manufacturers using SLCP

Examples of manufacturers that have implemented or are in the process of implementing SLCP in their facilities.

This page provides a list of manufacturers that have implemented or are actively planning to implement SLCP in their facilities. This means that they have performed or are ready to perform an SLCP assessment that can be verified and shared with brands, companies and other organizations.

This is not an exhaustive list but examples of manufacturers already using the tool. We invite other manufacturers using the CAF to add themselves.

  • Why should I sign up for this list?

    The purpose of this list is to ease the introduction process between buyers and manufacturers. It increases manufacturers’ visibility to brands and other organizations and shows that they are ready to provide a verified assessment report.

  • Countries & Regions

    Only countries/regions in which SLCP is operational will be included on the list. Please fill in the registration form only once SLCP is rolled out in your country/region. Please click the button below for more information about where SLCP is operational.

  • List of facilities

    The manufacturer list contains parent company manufacturers only. For an overview of individual facilities that have created an account on the SLCP Gateway and started their SLCP assessment process, please click the button below.

The list below shows manufacturers implementing SLCP in their facilities. You will find details on the countries/regions and tiers where they are implementing SLCP.

Manufacturer Countries / Regions Tiers
Ageme Tekstil Turkey 1
Agra Chains Pvt Ltd (ACPL Exports) India 1 | 2
Alliance Rubber Company USA 1 | 2 | 3
Anhui Foursome Fashion China 1
Arvind Ltd India 1 | 2 | 3
Avery Dennison China | Honduras | Sri Lanka | Turkey 2
Baba Spinners Limited India 2 | 3
Bariscan Tekstil Turkey 1
Bak-ay Tekstil Tic.a.s Corlu 2 Sube Turkey 2
Brandix India | Sri Lanka | Bangladesh 1 | 2
Can Tekstil Entegre Tesisleri ve Tarim Urunleri San. Tic A.S. Turkey 2
Ciel Textiles India | Mauritius | Madagascar 1 | 2
Crystal International Group Ltd China | Sri Lanka 1
Décor (Suzhou) Co. Ltd China | Mexico 1 | 2
Delta Galil China | Bulgaria | Myanmar | Thailand | Turkey 1 | 2
Deniz Tekstil San. Tic A.s Turkey | Vietnam 1
Derma Leather, SA Portugal 1
Dhruv Globals Ltd India 2
Dongguan Gaiwach Garment Co. Ltd China 1 | 2
Eastman Exports Global Clothing Pvt Ltd India 1 | 2
E.L.F. Co. Ltd. Thailand 1 | 2
Eren Socks Turkey 1
Esquel Group China 1 | 2
Evolv Clothing Co. Pvt Ltd India 1
Faisal Spinning Mills Ltd China | Pakistan | USA 1
First Steps Babywear Pvt Ltd India 1
Fortune Swimwear USA 1
Galaxy Knitwear Pakistan 1
Gamateks Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. Turkey 1
Genc Tekstil San. Tic. Ltd. Sti Turkey 1
Global Leathers Private Limited India 1
Gokaldas Exports Ltd India 1
Gold Mine Garment Co. Ltd Thailand 1
Hansae Co. Ltd Guatemala 1
Hayleys Fabric PLC Srilanka 2
Hirdaramani International Exports Pvt Ltd Sri Lanka 1
Hontop China 1
Hop Lun Bangladesh | China | Indonesia 1
Industrias de Exportación S.A de C.V Honduras 1
Intimate Apparels Ltd. Bangladesh 1
ISKO Turkey 2
Izmir As Tekstil Gida San. Turkey 1
JBS Couros USA | Argentina | Italy | Brazil | Vietnam 1 | 2 | 3
KDS Accessories Ltd Bangladesh 2
Lenzing Group USA | China | Thailand | Indonesia | United Kingdom | Brazil | Czech Republic 3
Liberty Mills Limited Pakistan 1
Li Wai Metal Manufactory Ltd. China 2
MAS Sri Lanka 1 | 2
Mark Designers Ltd. Bangladesh 1
Milteks Group Turkey 1
M&U Packaging Ltd. Bangladesh 2
Özen Mensucat Boya Ve Terbiye İşletmeleri A.Ş. Turkey 2 | 3
Pooja International India 1
Pratibha Syntex Ltd India 1 | 2 | 3
PT CCH Indonesia Indonesia 1
PT Dan Liris Indonesia 1
Radiaant Expovision Pvt Ltd India 1 | 2
SAE-A Dominicana SRL Dominican Republic 1
Sapphire Textile Mills Limited Pakistan 1 | 2 | 3
Saitex International Dongnai (VN) Co. Ltd Hong Kong 1
Shahi Exports Pvt Ltd India 1 | 2 | 3
Shandong Tianhong Yihua Trading Co. Ltd China 2
SLN Tekstil ve Moda San Tic Turkey 1 | 2
SML Group El Salvador | India | Mexico | Sri Lanka | Turkey | China | Dominican Republic | Peru | Bangladesh | Indonesia | Vietnam 2
Spectre A/S Vietnam 1 | 3
Sumoteks Tekstil Urunleri Uretim ve Pazarlama Ltd. St Turkey 1 | 2
TAL Apparel China | Thailand 1
Taypa Tekstil Giyim San. Ve Tic. A.S. Turkey 1
Texport Industries Private Limited Dominican Republic | Hong Kong | Thailand | India | Mexico | Spain | Taiwan | Malaysia | Philippines | South Korea | China | USA 1
The Crescent Textile Mills Limited Pakistan 1 | 2 | 3
Tigamaro SRL Italy 1
Tim Knitting Mills Ltd Taiwan 2
Toyama Sports Goods Co. Ltd Japan 2
Trico Point SRL Romania 1
Trimco Group India | China | Hong Kong 2
Ugur Tekstil Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi Turkey 1
Universal Apparel Co.,Ltd Thailand 1 | 2
Yeongdeok Industry Co., Ltd. South Korea 1
Yesim-Almaxtex Tekstil San. Tic A.s. Turkey 1
Yousstex Tunisia 1
Zentrix Mexico 1

Is your company already on the list and you want to update your details? Send us an email.


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What are the different tiers?


Manufacturing Tiers

Manufacturing tiers can be defined by process.

Tier 1 are all processes related to finished product assembly such as cutting, panel screen printing, embroidery, sewing, pressing, garment dyeing, washing & finishing, packing etc.  

Tier 2 includes all processes related to material production such as weaving, knitting, fabric dyeing/printing, chemical/mechanical finishing, tanning etc.  

Tier 3 includes all processes related to raw material production such as stock dyeing, yarn spinning/dyeing, fleshing, liming etc.