
Collaboration is central to SLCP’s vision and mission. Our aim is to achieve convergence of social auditing and to partner with organizations that can increase our impact in terms of transparency, data comparison and better buying practices. Here you can find an overview of some of our current collaborations.


The Brazilian Association of Textile Retail (ABVTEX) and the Social and Labor Convergence Program (SLCP) have a shared goal of improving labor conditions in fashion supply chains by implementing robust social compliance systems and tools while avoiding audit duplications. Both organizations recognize that collaboration and harmonization are essential to further reducing audit fatigue. With the support of mutual stakeholders, ABVTEX and SLCP wish to build alignment between the programs.


In early 2020, amfori and SLCP signed an agreement to explore greater collaboration. Our organizations share a common objective to eliminate audit duplication through trusted verified data exchange, enabling a redirection of resources to have higher impact on working conditions in the supply chain. The purpose of the agreement was to promote cooperation between SLCP and amfori for the development and execution of a three-year plan. The plan was developed and agreed upon in 2020, but activity was paused due to the impact of the pandemic and later resumed in the second half of 2021. Read about the progress made and our future ambitions in this collaboration update.


Data Quality and Integrity are a priority for the Social & Labor Convergence Program (SLCP) and to that aim SLCP began a formal collaboration with the Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors (APSCA) in 2021.  

APSCA has been a consistent partner and advisor throughout our collaboration. SLCP has already been aligning with APSCA criteria to monitor and improve the performance of SLCP Verifiers and Verifier Bodies. Under this collaboration agreement, both organizations have now mutually agreed to share alerts and integrity investigations proactively and systematically. APSCA and SLCP will also continue to seek further avenues for engagement that will support our joint vision.

Rona Starr (President & CEO): “APSCA and SLCP’s collaboration sees us continue to progress towards achieving our Mission of increasing the value and effectiveness of independent social compliance audits by enhancing professionalism, consistency and credibility.

SLCP signed a 3-year collaboration agreement with the Better Buying Institute (BBI) in 2021 to pursue a shared vision of improved working conditions in apparel and footwear supply chains. Both organizations recognize the benefits of alignment and collaboration in this pursuit, as well as the urgent need for accelerated adoption of practices that protect workers. Together, BBI and SLCP will provide data around the convergence of social assessments and identify potential links between purchasing practices and social conditions in the supply chain. We jointly developed some key questions related to the convergence of social assessments and implementation of the Converged Assessment Framework (CAF) which were added to the Better BuyingTM Purchasing Practices Index for the 2021 ratings cycle. You can read about the first BBI-SLCP findings here. We will provide updates on our progress and our findings as our work together develops. For more information about Better BuyingTM, visit their website.


Better Work and SLCP are on common ground in promoting credible and actionable data that is shared between a broad range of industry actors to act upon, including governments and workers’ and employers’ organizations. You can read more about the collaboration here

As SLCP's incubator Cascale, formerly the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), took the initiative to facilitate discussions with stakeholders for a joint convergence effort in 2015. Today, Cascale has fully embraced the Converged Assessment Framework (CAF): The CAF is the backbone of Cascale’s Higg Facility Social & Labor Module. SLCP and Cascale closely work together to increase adoption of the CAF/vFSLM.


SLCP and the Fair Wear Foundation have been collaborating for several years, and in 2024 signed a renewed agreement committing to even closer partnership by signing a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) centered on three main areas of cooperation: data convergence, policy engagement, and industry engagement. Read the details here


In 2021, SLCP became an Impact Partner of the Fashion CEO Agenda. 

GFA and SLCP have a shared vision and in the partnership will take complementary roles. While GFA focuses on convening industry, leadership & business/trade media, and policymakers, SLCP focuses on the implementation of the Converged Assessment Framework, providing data and measuring progress. Together, SLCP and GFA will leverage their collective power to accelerate industry alignment and convergence and shift resources towards improvement actions based on credible, verified data.

SLCP concretely speaks to two priorities on the GFA Fashion CEO agenda: 1. respectful & secure work environments and 2. better wage systems. Here is a video of SLCP Executive Director Janet Mensink speaking during the launch of GFA’s Fashion CEO Agenda. 


SLCP partners with the International Trade Centre (ITC) for the Gateway, user training and stakeholder engagement. ITC is a joint agency of the United Nations and the World Trade Organization. It enables companies in developing economies to become more competitive and to connect to international markers, thus raising incomes and creating job opportunities, especially for women, young people, and poor communities.

The European Commission, Directorate-General for International Partnerships, provides funding for the project “Enhancing transparency and traceability of sustainable value chains in the garment and footwear industry.”


The International Trade Centre (ITC), an implementation partner for the ongoing project, works in this area to provide IT tools and training solutions with pre-competitive consortia, which ultimately benefit suppliers in developing and emerging markets.



This is the central repository for all SLCP verified data. All completed assessments are shared to the Gateway. From their Gateway account, a facility can control how they share their SLCP verified assessments: they can send them to other Accredited Hosts or directly to their stakeholders.


ITC hosts the SLCP e-learning service that is designed to train users on how to use the SLCP Gateway. The e-learning program is free and open for all stakeholders.

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With a shared goal to reduce audit fatigue, ITMF and IAF have been SLCP signatories from the start, and both organizations have been advisors on the roll-out of the Converged Assessment Framework (CAF). ITMF & IAF bring a focus on manufacturers and manufacturer associations, and the collaboration with SLCP is focused on convening stakeholders to implement the CAF. 

ITMF & IAF: ‘We are strong supporters of SLCP, and our members already see the benefits of different brand partners accepting the same set of SLCP verified data. We want to go to a place where manufacturers work with one single data collection and verification, instead of 20 audits for 20 different brands/retailers.



In 2024, SLCP joined the UNECE Sustainability Pledge - an initiative to promote transparency and traceability in the apparel and footwear sector.