SLCP Brand Guidelines
Brand Logo
The logo should always be used in its original form without any alterations, modifications, or distortions. This includes but is not limited to changing colors, proportions, or adding additional elements
When you want to communicate that you are an SLCP signatory or partner, use our primary logo.
For more targeted communication, like in CSR reports, consider using our secondary logo to highlight SLCP's value proposition.
1. Primary brand logo
2. Secondary brand logo
By using the above logos, the user acknowledges and agrees that SLCP is the owner by virtue of use of all right, title, and interest in and to the SLCP Logo, and that any trademark rights and goodwill emanating out of the use of the SLCP Logo and the marks “SLCP” and “Social & Labor Convergence” shall inure to the benefit of SLCP. In addition, the user acknowledges and agrees that SLCP is the sole owner of all right, title, and interest in any and all copyright rights in the SLCP logo.
Contact comms@slconvergence.org for questions or clarifications regarding logo usage.