Feedback & Complaints
What can we do better?
Send us your feedback!
SLCP strives for continuous improvement. We aim to provide the absolute best service and assistance to you, our stakeholders, and your feedback is a critical component in achieving this aim.
Formal complaint about SLCP: If you have a complaint about SLCP please contact the SLCP Secretariat using the complaint form on this page. This message will be treated confidentially by the SLCP Secretariat, and you can expect to receive an initial response to your complaint within 14 working days.
Thank you for helping us make SLCP even better!
More information
SLCP provides a number of different ways to provide feedback, report issues or ask questions about verified assessments and the verification process, please see our FAQ on the Helpdesk.
Verification dispute process
This complaints process is different from the dispute process related to a specific verification. If a facility has concerns about Verifier conduct or about the way the Verification Protocol has been applied during the verification, they should follow the formal dispute process. This process is available through the Accredited Host platform for a period of 14 calendar days after the verified assessment report is uploaded for facility review by the Verifier. For further details see our Helpdesk.