Converged Assessment Framework

The Converged Assessment Framework (CAF) consists of a Data Collection Tool, verification methodology, and guidance documents. The CAF is publicly available on the SLCP Gateway.


The Converged Assessment Framework (CAF) is a tool to measure working conditions in facilities developed by SLCP signatories. It consists of a Data Collection Tool, verification methodology, and guidance documents. The CAF results in a high-quality verified data set that has no value-judgment or scoring. SLCP built a system to support the implementation of the CAF. This includes the Accredited Hosts (AH), existing service providers that can help interpret and score data, map data to Codes of Conduct and formulate action plans. Facilities have complete control of how they share their SLCP verified data via the Accredited Hosts and the Gateway.


The SLCP Assessment Process


Step 1: Self-assessment

A facility uses the Data Collection Tool to complete a self-assessment of their social and labor data.


Step 2: Verification

An experienced social auditor that has been approved to do SLCP verifications visits the facility to check that the answers the facility has provided in their self-assessment are accurate and to record new answers if any of the facility’s entries are incorrect or incomplete.


Step 3: Data sharing

SLCP allows facilities to share their final verified data with the stakeholders of their choice through a unique data sharing eco-system that links together different platforms. 


SLCP does not score data

The Verifier does not pass judgement on the data – they do not conclude if the data is good or bad, or if the facility has passed or failed. The CAF results in a high-quality verified data set that has no value-judgment or scoring.

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How do I use the CAF?

The CAF is available on a network of platforms called Accredited Hosts, all linked together by the SLCP Gateway. The Accredited Hosts can provide additional services such as scoring and data analysis. Facilities have complete control of how they share their SLCP verified data via the Accredited Hosts and Gateway.

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How does SLCP ensure the quality of verified data?

Credible and reliable data is a top priority for SLCP. In addition to our robust verification methodology, we work with a Verification Oversight Organization (VOO) which oversees the quality of verification and integrity of the data. The VOO assesses applications from Verifier Bodies and Verifiers to ensure they meet SLCP’s strict criteria. They also conduct a range of Quality Assurance activities including desktop reviews, counter, duplicate and shadow verifications. We make continuous improvements to the program based on the outcomes of QA activities, and we publicly share a summary of the VOO’s findings to drive transparency.


How does verification work?

Every single SLCP assessment goes through a verification process, which always includes an onsite visit. Verifications are carried out by experienced social auditors who have been approved by SLCP as Verifiers. Verifiers must work for an approved SLCP Verifier Body. Verifiers and Verifier Bodies must meet a strict set of eligibility criteria and pass an application process and exam.

Worker Engagement Technology (WE Tech)

Worker Engagement Technology (WE Tech) enhances the SLCP assessment process by providing a platform for all worker groups to be heard. WE Tech includes a Question Set which is answered 100% anonymously, offering workers a safe space in which to contribute to improving working conditions in their facility.


Want to know more?

The Converged Assessment Framework is publicly available. To download the Data Collection Tool and the guidance documents, please visit the SLCP Gateway.