SLCP Newsletters

Sign up for our general stakeholder newsletter for regular updates on SLCP, including our quarterly Data Quality special edition. You can also sign up for our facility newsletter for the most important facility news in your region.


Subscribe to the SLCP stakeholder newsletters

The SLCP newsletter is sent out monthly to update all stakeholders on the latest important news about SLCP. Subscribe now to make sure you never miss important information. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” button in the newsletter.

Note: If you are a signatory and would like to subscribe to the SLCP signatory newsflash mailings, please email us:


Data Quality Special Edition Newsletter

The Data Quality newsletter is sent out quarterly to provide all stakeholders with valuable insights, updates, and deep dives into key topics to enhance our collective understanding of data quality and its importance across our operations. Subscribe now and don't miss important information. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” button in the newsletter.


Previous Data Quality newsletters

Subscribe to the SLCP Policy Update

The SLCP Policy Update provides updates about SLCP's policy work, including more information on our main priorities and upcoming events! You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” button in the newsletter.


Subscribe to the SLCP facility newsletter

We send out bi-weekly email newsletters to update facilities on the latest SLCP news in their country or region. We recommend that facilities, VBs and brand supply managers subscribe to the facility newsletter to keep up to date with important information on the SLCP assessment process, new launches and CAF improvements, and roll-out.

Note: Subscribing to the bi-weeklies does not register your facility on the Gateway. To register on the Gateway and start your SLCP assessment process, please click the button below.