Data Hosting & Sharing System

SLCP has a unique data hosting and sharing system that allows facilities to share their verified data with a large number of stakeholders. This creates efficiency and reduces the need for repetitive and duplicative social audits


The SLCP Gateway

The Gateway is the central repository of all SLCP verified data. Facilities can control how they share their SLCP verified data from the Gateway, and it is free for them to use. The Gateway homepage is also a directory to lots of useful information about SLCP operations.

The SLCP Gateway was built and is operated by the International Trade Centre (ITC).



Accredited Hosts

SLCP works with existing industry platforms for data analysis to provide SLCP related services. We call these service providers Accredited Hosts (AHs). An SLCP assessment can be carried out using any of the active Accredited Host platforms.

Finalized verified assessments are automatically shared from the Accredited Host’s platform to the SLCP Gateway. All verified data (generated on AHs) is safely stored on the Gateway. Facilities can share their data to end users and between AHs via their Gateway profile.


Active Accredited Hosts

Facilities can use these platforms to complete the SLCP assessment and verification process. Active hosts can push completed assessments to the SLCP Gateway and pull completed assessments from the Gateway. They can also add services for the end-user, such as scoring and analysis on top of the SLCP data.

Passive Accredited Hosts

These platforms can only pull completed assessments from the Gateway. This means they cannot be used by facilities to complete the SLCP assessment and verification process. However, facilities can share their completed assessments from the Gateway to these platforms. Passive hosts can then add services for the end-user, such as scoring and analysis on top of the SLCP data.

Fair Factories Clearinghouse Active Accredited HostAs a non-profit software development company, the Fair Factories Clearinghouse (FFC) provides compliance solutions to individual companies and other well-known global multi-stakeholder organizations…

Fair Factories Clearinghouse
Active Accredited Host

As a non-profit software development company, the Fair Factories Clearinghouse (FFC) provides compliance solutions to individual companies and other well-known global multi-stakeholder organizations.

FFC members consist of some of the world’s most recognized footwear, apparel and outdoor equipment brands and retailers. FFC is helping these industry leaders map verified SLCP facilities to their company supplier codes of conduct, thereby automatically creating corrective action plans for follow up. FFC also provides a complete collaboration environment where brands and retailers sourcing at the same locations can work together on improving factory conditions without increasing anti-trust risks.

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Worldly Co
Active Accredited Hosts

Worldly Co is a technology company formed to deliver and support implementation of unified sustainability measurement tools for consumer goods industries, beginning with the Higg Index. It is an Accredited Host of SLCP.  The Higg Index is a holistic suite of tools, originally developed by the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), that enables brands, retailers and facilities of all sizes — at every stage in their sustainability journey — to accurately measure and score a company or product’s sustainability performance. The Higg Index delivers a comprehensive overview, enabling businesses to make meaningful improvements that protect the environment, well-being of factory workers and communities.


Brand Hosts

A Brand Host is a brand that has a direct connection to the Gateway. They can receive information (like assessment status and verified data) for selected facilities.


The Gateway will not automatically share a facility’s verified assessment report. The facility needs to give the Gateway permission to do so. Facilities can share their verified assessments report directly from their Gateway profile to the Brand Host.


Find more information on how to share with a Brand Host here.